Compounding of veterinary medicines

November 14, 2018

Compounding of veterinary medicines

At Border Compounding Pharmacy, we work closely with local veterinarians to formulate a wide range of veterinary medicines.

We stock an array of dosage forms and veterinary flavourings to aid you in giving your pet or animal the medicine they need.

Some of the veterinary compounding services we provide include:

  • Human medicines re-formulated into doses suitable for animals.
  • Veterinary-only medicines.
  • Custom dosing of medicines to suit your pet’s body size.
  • Suspensions and liquids made from medicines only available as capsules and tablets —especially useful for animals that cannot be given tablets.
  • Flavourings to suit your pet’s palate (e.g. beef, chicken, or tuna).
  • Formulation of medicines into dog chews.
  • Transdermal medicines for cats in an easy-to-use click pen cream applicator. Such creams are most commonly applied to the ear.

At Border Compounding Pharmacy we compound medicines for all types of animals. If you require a medicine compounded for your pet or animal, please contact us.

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